Nurturing A Love of Islam
As-Sabeel Academy is committed to our vision, to instill a love of Islam and learning in our students.
It’s a charge we take seriously. Here is how we help our students learn, live, and love our Deen:

“My Lord! Enrich me with knowledge…” – (Quran, 20:114)
The basics of Islam are taught and practiced on a daily basis at school.
Topics covered in classes are presented from an Islamic perspective, thus enabling the students to relate to the world from an Islamic point of view.
Our teachers are selected to be positive role models in our students’ lives.
Classes operate with a high level of discipline, creating an environment that is conducive to learning.
Students are provided a spiritual orientation, letting them understand the differences between right and wrong without contradicting values.
Students are expected to wear Islamic attire and maintain proper Islamic manners, which will hopefully be reflected in the rest of their lives.
Islamic holidays are celebrated at school so that students grow up with the joy that comes with a communal holiday celebrations.
Students help enforce positive peer pressure, as opposed to negative peer pressure that leads to un-Islamic behavior.
Students are not exposed to issues such as drugs, alcohol, guns, and sexual education in a moral and religious vacuum.
The Quran is nurtured in students’ hearts through memorization and the teaching of its Arabic language.
Regular opportunities for community and school service allow students to understand the importance of service.
The remembrance of God is practiced on a regular basis through the use of du’a (supplications) and nasheed (Islamic songs).
Prayer and Athan are both taught in school and practiced during daily Dhuhr congregational prayers.