For the first time in school history, ten As-Sabeel Academy middle schoolers competed in the SCISA Middle School Math Meet on Tuesday, October 22nd at the Sumter County Civic Center. 180 students from 22 schools formed 38 teams, all trying to out-calculate each other. We are very proud of our students whose team finished 6th overall (out of 38 teams)! Two students received special recognition for their individual performances. Omar Housar (7th grade) finished 8th overall out of 180 students, and he was also recognized for having the top score on his team. Aadil Vasaya (6th grade) was recognized for having the top score on his team. It was an impressive performance and a great experience for our students. A huge thank you to Mrs. Narmin Al-Ali, the Math Meet Team Sponsor, who has been meeting weekly with the students to prepare for the competition.